How to stay informed about e+i | eps

In order to meet the different needs regarding the depth of information and frequency of peer discussion, we maintain four platform respectively communication channels. First, there is our quarterly newsletter. We publish it jointly with the Focal Point for Agriculture and Food Security. The newsletter is targeted at a broad audience that wants to regularly updated about our work. Second, we maintain three thematic online discussion groups (so called DGroups). If you’re an active practitioner or expert, we encourage you to join at least one group. As a member you can reach out to the whole thematic network - to get help on a specific issue or to launch a discussion. Third, both cluster units have their sharewebs (see below). And finally, both networks (e+i and eps) regularly meet at Face-to-Face events.

In order to enjoy the benefits of the different platform, you have to be individually subscribed. The best way to do so, is to send an email to our operations desk (contact information on the right panel of our starting page) and let us now, to which channels you want access. If you want to subscribe yourself, please follow the steps below:

Newsletter of the Cluster IED 
(jointly published with the Focal Point A+FS four times a year) 

Target Group: Broad audience as well as experts and practicioners who wants to get regulary updated about our work and the field we work in.

Subscribe: here

​Online Discussion Groups for PSD and VSD (DGroups)

Traget Groups: ​Our online discussion groups for Private Sector Development and Vocational Skills Development globally connects experts and practicioners to activley discuss trends, topics and questions that are important for their work. From time to time, we organise a moderate discussion about a specfic topic.

Subscribe: Send an email to our operations desk (contact information on the right panel of our starting page)

​Sharewebs for e+i respectively EPS

Traget Groups: ​The cluster IED maintains two sharewebs. One for e+i and one for eps. On our sharewebs you find plenty of resources. Our cluster provides support for the complete project cycle and beyond. Registered user have access to additonal resources. Like the the project portfolio databases.

Register: e+i shareweb / eps shareweb